Author Topic: FAQs  (Read 588 times)

Offline Phantom

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  • Dark World Sleeper
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  • Burning Bright
« on: April 24, 2018, 09:47:58 PM »
What exactly do you mean by "hybrid"?

Basically it just means that we are going to have genres mix and meld together. Have you ever watched the Sopranos? Did you really enjoy the run that Sons of Anarchy had? What if the two shows came back to TV together for an epic mini-series? Or how about this-- take James Cameron's short-lived TV series Dark Angel starring Jessica Alba and fuse it with the world that Sam and Dean Winchester live in on Supernatural.  In short: Worlds will blend. The average Joe or Jane will deal with the unexpected. 

Can I play a Laurell K. Hamilton (LKH) character here?

That’s a negative. LKH vampires and lycanthropes are not consistent with the way oWoD vampires and were-things work. For that reason DWC will not be accepting any character-types that are from Anitaverse.  This may change in the future, but don't count on it.

What the heck is this "old World of Darkness" thing you keep mentioning?

Oh the wonders of wikipedia. Click the link, my friend, and be enlightened. -->Link

Do I have to know or read the old ("Classic") World of Darkness core books in order to roleplay here?

No you do not! Want to know why? Because this is not a World of Darkness exclusive room. However, room sponsored campaigns that DO steer in that direction are designed to be very beginner friendly. Because most players are not familiar with it, we aim to ease you into the WoD fold. We lay it out for you in a way that's easy to understand. Resources are provided here on the forums for your convenience. Furthermore, everything you need to know about oWod can be learned or discovered simply by playing someone relatively new to that environment.  The theory is that, for example,  your average human character doesn’t even know or believe that supernatural beings really exist. Nor do they know anything about the politics behind the shadowy wars that rage all around them. In that respect, DWC wants to stress the human element. And that means you could play a character that never even deals with one supernatural in all the time spent within the various settings. And when all else fails, we have friendly people ready to take your questions and help you along!

Ugh. Do I have to submit a character sheet?

Yes... and no! Or no… and yes! You can play two characters in DWC without submitting a character sheet. But for every third character you bring in, we demand (yes DEMAND) that you submit a character sheet for at least ONE of your characters. Why? Because we want you to become part of the fabric here! Come on-- If you’re roleplaying here with three characters it means you like us! You really like us!   ;D Character sheets will help storytellers put you into the best situations as far as conflict and intrigue. And that’s where the magic happens. Think of it as an investment towards future fun. And even if you’re not into the style of rolling for ANYTHING during your roleplaying, a character sheet can give storytellers a basic framework of just what lies beneath the surface of your mysterious character. The numbers let us know what you are capable of and guides the way we can challenge your character to grow and become even more badass. Or you know… Maybe we just want to torture you a little. Nothing wrong with that...

Can I start my own storyline or be my own storyteller?

Absolutely! There will eventually be a lot to choose from. That’s the goal anyway. But there will always be room for more.  Room sponsored storylines will be storylines that we want the masses to dive into and that anyone can join. But private storylines, or storylines that are closed off or limited, are very much encouraged. Grab your buddies and start a troupe. Or just do the boy meets girl thing in a one-on-one. Have at it. Just… er… never you mind that moving eyeball in that hole in the wall… You don’t see that. Nope. You don’t see that at all...
« Last Edit: May 24, 2018, 02:06:13 PM by Phantom »